Conference Theme (大會主旨)
At this critical moment of competing for the MOE-funded Digging Deep Program, all colleges and universities in Taiwan are going through a process of reconsidering their institutional visions and missions in the context of more acute accountability and demands for improvement in a global, market-driven competitive environment. How do institutions position themselves in this environment? How do they develop the capacity to evaluate the outcomes of their practices so as to strategically develop programs that can compete best? Who should do all these assessments and how? These questions need to be further investigated and clarified. The International Conference of Institutional Research and Governance is designed to contribute to an understanding of the role of institutional research (IR) in decision-making and informed governance, and to facilitate the prioritizing of institutional missions and functions. To enrich the understanding and stimulate a cross-border discourse, this Conference will present diverse perspectives from institutional leaders, IR professionals, and scholars. We cordially invite you to engage in this dialogue, and to advance the understanding of IR that serves the needs and purposes of higher education institutions in the era of globalized accountability, collaboration, competition, and excellence.
Keynote Speaker
- 搭乘火車:高雄火車站後站出口,步行約兩公里,車程約 5 分鐘。
- 搭乘高鐵:轉搭計程車約 17 分鐘,沿大中路於自由路右轉,再於同盟路左轉 即達高雄醫學大學。
- 搭乘高捷:高雄捷運後驛站 2 號出入口,轉搭乘紅 29 接駁車。
- 搭乘飛機:小港機場轉搭計程車約 30 分鐘。
- 自行開車:
- 沿中山高速公路南下,下「鼎金交流道」於民族路左轉,再於同盟路 右轉,即達高雄醫學大學。
- 沿中山高速公路南下,下「九如交流道」沿九如路往火車站方向,於 自由路右轉,遇同盟路右轉,即達高雄醫學大學。
- 因當天週五活動眾多,校內停車位置有限,敬請盡量搭乘大眾運輸交通工具。
- 本校第一、第二來賓停車場:在附設醫院內, 由自由路進入,費用每小時30 元計(30 分鐘內以15 元計,超過30 分鐘以30 元計),第一來賓停車場地面有機車停車場,費用每次20 元計。
- 同盟路上路邊收費停車格
指導單位:教育部高教司 |
主辦單位:高雄醫學大學 協辦單位:高醫秘書室校務研究辦公室 |